Seismic events observed at Karymsky volcano are divided into the following four categories. Besides them, high frequency events that were clearly observed only at a station west near the crater are considered from small collapses of the lava flow. The length of the following waveforms is 40 seconds.
The waveform contains high frequency components (about 10Hz). The P phase is clear. It is accompanied by no visual phenomena and no infrasonic signals. The hypocenters of earthquakes of thi type that were observed are considered to be beneath the northeast mountain slope or southern area.
Seismic record of an A-type earthquake. The observation point is 1.5km distant from the active crater.
No infrasonic signals are recorded associated with A-type earthquakes.
Low frequency (1-2Hz) seismic waves are predominant and its P phase is not so clear. Volcanic bombs are ejected from the crater. An impulsive infrasonic wave is observed. Explosions occur in every 10-20 minutes and the height of the volcanic smoke is several hundred meters, rarely more than 1000m.
An explosion quake at Karymsky
An infrasonic pulse excited by an explosive eruption
Harmonic tremors follow explosion quakes. The microphone also records harmonic infrasonds. Intermittent explosive sounds are heard. Continuous smoke ejection are observed.Running spectra of a harmonic tremor
An harmonic volcanic tremor
An infrasound associated with an harmonic volcanic tremor
High frequency (several Hz) tremors are observed associated with some continuous volcanic smoke ejection. Continuous infrasounds and large sounds are observed.
A high frequency volcanic tremor
An infrasound associated with a high frequency tremor