Paper list of research on Unzen volcano


Yamasato, H., K. Fukui, K. Uhira, T. Hashimoto and H. Mori, Analysis of seismic and acoustic signals excited by pyroclastic flows at Unzendake volcano, Bull. Volcanol. Soc. Japan, 38, 79-90, 1993 (in Japanese with English abstract).
This Paper includes preliminay analysis of seismic acoustic signals from pyroclastic flow at Unzen volcano.
Uhira, K., H. Yamasato and M. Takeo, Source mechanism of seismic waves excited by pyroclastic flows observed at Unzen volcano, Japan. J. Geophys. Res., 99, 17757-17773, 1994.
This paper includes waveform inversion analysis of low frequency seismic waves from dome collapse and obtains their source mechanism.
Hashimoto, T., H. Yamasato, K. Uhira and K. Goto : Coda-Q estimated from earthquakes around Unzendake volcano. Bulletin of Volcanological Society of Japan, 40, 83-89, 1995.
This paper discusses the structure under Unzen volcano by analysis of coda-Q.
Uhira, K., H. Yamasato, T. Hashimoto, K. Fukui and M. Takeo : Source mechanism of low-frequency seismic events at Unzen volcano, Kyushu, Japan. Bulletin of Volcanological Society of Japan, 40, 311-328, 1995.
At Unzen volcano, low frequency seismic events were observed at phreatomagmatic eruptions and an explosive eruption. This paper indicates their source mechanisms by seismological method.
Hashimoto, T., H. Yamasato, K. Uhira and M. Seino, A tentative study on determination of earthquake magnitudes at Unzen volcano, Japan, Pap. Metorol. Geophys., 48, 25-29, 1997 (in Japanese with English abstract).
Many earthquakes occurred just beneath the summit of Unzen volcano. In this paper, their seismic magnitudes are determined and the magnitude-frequency distribution is discussed.
Yamasato, H., S. Kitagawa and M. Komiya, Effect of rainfall on dome collapse at Unzen volcano, Japan, Pap. Metorol. Geophys., 48, 73-78, 1998.
At Unzen volcano, rainfalls sometimes caused dome collapses. This paper analyzed characteristics of the effect of rainfall on dome collapse.
Yamasato, H., Quantitative anaysis of pyroclastic flows using infrasonic and seismic data at Unzen volcano, Japan, J. Phys. Earth, 45, 397-416, 1997.
In this paper, infrasonic and seismic data are analyzed in detail and parameters of pyroclastic flows are estimated.
Yamasato, H., Nature of infrasonic pulse accompanying low frequency earthquake at Unzen volcano, Japan, Bull. Volcanol. Soc. Japan, 43, 1-13, 1998.
From infrasonic network, very precise location of low frequency earthquakes is determined. In this paper, the mechanism of magma intrusion and seismicity is discussed.

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