Paper list of research on Unzen volcano
- Yamasato, H., K. Fukui, K. Uhira, T. Hashimoto and H. Mori, Analysis of seismic and acoustic signals excited by pyroclastic flows at Unzendake volcano, Bull. Volcanol. Soc. Japan, 38, 79-90, 1993 (in Japanese with English abstract).
- This Paper includes preliminay analysis of seismic acoustic signals from pyroclastic flow at Unzen volcano.
- Uhira, K., H. Yamasato and M. Takeo, Source mechanism of seismic waves excited by pyroclastic flows observed at Unzen volcano, Japan. J. Geophys. Res., 99, 17757-17773, 1994.
- This paper includes waveform inversion analysis of low frequency seismic waves from dome collapse and obtains their source mechanism.
- Hashimoto, T., H. Yamasato, K. Uhira and K. Goto : Coda-Q estimated from earthquakes around Unzendake volcano. Bulletin of Volcanological Society of Japan, 40, 83-89, 1995.
- This paper discusses the structure under Unzen volcano by analysis of coda-Q.
- Uhira, K., H. Yamasato, T. Hashimoto, K. Fukui and M. Takeo : Source mechanism of low-frequency seismic events at Unzen volcano, Kyushu, Japan. Bulletin of Volcanological Society of Japan, 40, 311-328, 1995.
- At Unzen volcano, low frequency seismic events were observed at phreatomagmatic eruptions and an explosive eruption. This paper indicates their source mechanisms by seismological method.
- Hashimoto, T., H. Yamasato, K. Uhira and M. Seino, A tentative study on determination of earthquake magnitudes at Unzen volcano, Japan, Pap. Metorol. Geophys., 48, 25-29, 1997 (in Japanese with English abstract).
- Many earthquakes occurred just beneath the summit of Unzen volcano. In this paper, their seismic magnitudes are determined and the magnitude-frequency distribution is discussed.
- Yamasato, H., S. Kitagawa and M. Komiya, Effect of rainfall on dome collapse at Unzen volcano, Japan, Pap. Metorol. Geophys., 48, 73-78, 1998.
- At Unzen volcano, rainfalls sometimes caused dome collapses. This paper analyzed characteristics of the effect of rainfall on dome collapse.
- Yamasato, H., Quantitative anaysis of pyroclastic flows using infrasonic and seismic data at Unzen volcano, Japan, J. Phys. Earth, 45, 397-416, 1997.
- In this paper, infrasonic and seismic data are analyzed in detail and parameters of pyroclastic flows are estimated.
- Yamasato, H., Nature of infrasonic pulse accompanying low frequency earthquake at Unzen volcano, Japan, Bull. Volcanol. Soc. Japan, 43, 1-13, 1998.
- From infrasonic network, very precise location of low frequency earthquakes is determined. In this paper, the mechanism of magma intrusion and seismicity is discussed.
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